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Opløsning: 1920x2560
Størrelse: 1696017 byte
Dato: 24-12-03 16:13
Blitz: 1
Fokuslængde: 7.1mm
Exponeringstid: 1/60s
Apertur: 2.8
Mætningsmodel: Evaluative
Kamera: NIKON
Model: E5000
Powered by JAlbum JAlbum
DSCN0037.JPG (20 af 31)

[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section] Nikon CoolPix5000 2003/12/24 16:13:53 JPEG (8-bit) Fine Image Size: 2560 x 1920 Color ConverterLens: None Focal Length: 7.1mm Exposure Mode: Programmed Auto Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern 1/60 sec - f/2.8 Exposure Comp.: 0 EV Sensitivity: Auto White Balance: Auto AF Mode: AF-C Tone Comp: Auto Flash Sync Mode: Front Curtain Electric Zoom Ratio: 1.00 Saturation comp: 0 Sharpening: Auto Noise Reduction: OFF [#End of Shooting Data Section]